# 46 Dungeon
“Troooollllll in the Dungeons,” shouted Professor Quirrell as he passed out on the floor of the Great Hall.
Harry and Ron ran off towards the dungeons to rescue Hermione since she’d been crying in the girls’ bathroom for most of the day.
“Looks like its left the Dungeons,” Ron said as the large, dark figure lumbered slowly along in front of them dragging his club near his feet. As it entered the bathroom door they heard a girl’s scream.
“Ron, Hermione’s in there,” shouted Harry as the two ran towards it drawing their wands. As it swept the club back to smash the stalls Ron turned on the light.
The tall figure turned around, “Hagid?” Ron exclaimed, “What in bloody hell?”
“Ahh, come offit you two, why should the trolls git all the fun?” Hagird said sheepishly.
Last edited by Sir_Spots; 09-07-2006 at 03:49 AM.