Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
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First Year | Broken Emotions - Sa13+ GWFC/BWFC My <3
Hey! This is a one shot between Harry and Ginny after the war has only just ended. I hope you like it and please put a comment! Well, here it is! Broken Emotions Sa13+ I was lost with this powerful place to say the least. The wind blew over the land. The soft grey sky was full of large rolling clouds, as they drifted over the dismal background of grey they took with them cold frigid air. The grass fluttered in the breeze, the long blades of grass snapping with the sharp air, the leaves that had fallen from the trees sliced and sheared throughout the field. Behind me stood the house. The Burrow. My home. I stood staring at the desolate landscape. It was strange. I was waiting for some feeling to come back to it. Some life. Some colour. Even the grass seemed so bland, so bleak, so bad. Yet I could see, it was green, it was alive, and it was there. Yet I couldn’t feel the laughter and the life that had once glistened and glided over this field in my childhood. Only, I was, still, sixteen. My name is Ginny Weasley. And I was standing on a spent battlefield. My fiery red hair whipped about my face, my brown eyes smarting with tears. I looked down and my hands were streaked with dirt and other substances, my face bruised, battered, battle worthy. I knelt down and sobbed. The air was so full of grief. Of loss. Of death. The field was outside my home, I would have to stay here, knowing what had gone on in this place of joy for so long. Until I could escape and run and feel the foreign winds shuffle my hair, caress my skin and take me to some other suns heat. Yet I could only stay here and know that there was the ending for me. The ending for my brothers and my parents, the ending for my friends, and the ending for Harry Potter. My cracked sobs was piercing the silence louder than I had known because he had come running, running from where he was stood, at the end, to hold me. To take everything back. To take me back. The tears rolled down my face as I stared at what we had saved, what we had done, what he had done. His strong arms cradled me like a child as he stroked my hair, the strong singing smell of smouldering fabric swilling around us. Then, the silence that I had broken was shattered completely. My best friend, my brother’s soon-to-be-fiancée, Hermione, laughed. He laugh was of relief, of pleasure, of freedom. It was not happy, it was new. Then, my mother started to cry. I knew why. She had lost two of her sons. Two of my brothers. Percy, the idiot of the family, his pride so choking had been murdered in his apology. Then Bill, my big brother, Bill. Had been taken from all of us. His Veela wife was so beautifully powerful in her fight against the ones who had taken him; it helped to be part Veela. I was beginning to feel love for her, she was fighting for her family, us. The sounds of wails, laughs, and cries of terror and of joy began to puncture the air as we wandered through the sea of the deceased in a hope to find the ones we loved alive. The sun was fighting to come through the thick clouds; it was fighting like we had fought before to destroy the depressing feelings the grey was forcing upon us. Strings of sunlight where glittering in the grass, on our skin, on our friends. I walked, with Harry, to where Bill had fallen. Once more, I went to my knees and took his hand in mine, it was still warm, he was still warm. “Bill?” I whispered, quietly, my voice struggling to contain my wild emotions. “Bill, you were my older Brother, the eldest of all of us, you where the one I ran too when they were being horrible to me – do you remember Bill? Do you remember how much I love you still Bill? Do you remember saving me every time I needed help? Then every time you couldn’t make it, you told me exactly who to go to. You helped me so much Bill, and I promise, I will make you proud of me. I promise.” My voice was strong when I had said those words, strong with emotion, thick with love for my eldest brother. I clutched his hand tight and squeezed my eyes shut the tears falling once more from my eyes. “I already am proud of you Ginny,” he rasped and I cried in relief. “MUM!” I called, the tears of amazement, flooding through me, “FLEUR!” I shouted, summoning the ones who loved him most to him, the ones I loved too. They ran like the passing wind to him, to me, as Harry cuddled me close, as I held Bills, hand, as we tried to save him. He was already saving himself though. We left them to him, as they reached him, sobbing like I was their relief at not having to grieve for another one lost. Harry took my hand as we walked on through the ever brighter field, the cries of Fleurs’ happy laughter as she held her husband swayed swiftly with the fresh breeze, the smell of warm grass and fresh flowers now being taken swiftly with it, other than the smells of burning. “Ginny,” Harry said, my full nickname, it sounded odd coming from him; he had called me ‘Gin’ for so long. “Gin,” He corrected himself, smiling slightly this time, his voice still gentle, still full of that wisdom, of that bravery that I loved him for. “Harry,” I replied, saying his name in my mouth and smiling back, loving how it felt right in my mouth, the word was easy to say, the person easy to love. “Gin, I wanted you to make it through this for so long,” He began, his powerful emerald green eyes boring into mine, the sensation of everything and nothing filling my bones through as he gazed determinedly into me. “I wanted you to live, to be ok, and to have children with someone else if I didn’t make it. Secretly, I didn’t want the last part, but I did want you to be happy, to survive without me. Now that we have both lived I want you forever. I love you. Be with me,” he said simply, my heart swelling. The sun had won it’s battle. The golden light beamed beautifully over the field that I had played in as a child, the warmth gave life to everything that had seemed dead only minutes ago. The grass seemed to be living now; everything was full of life, so fresh, so new, so there. Nothing looked bland anymore. The leaves that had shed from the trees still swung along with the breeze, the gold’s, browns, oranges, and yellows lighting up the new blue sky. The world was alive again. The world was full of laughter once more. Harry had been waiting patiently for my reply and I smiled happily, laughing slightly. “Yes” was all I needed to say. Yes. As we walked down to the stream to let the fish play with our toes, and our fingers, to let the water wash away the dirt I laughed. Yes. I would be with him forever. I would be, because Harry had shown us all, minutes before that Love, love was the most powerful magic of them all. And I, Ginny Weasley, would love him with all my broken emotions.
Love you all for reading this!
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |