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Old 09-06-2006, 08:40 AM   #22 (permalink)
Golden Monkey
Dark Force Defense League
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Default Drabble 22: #96 Socks
The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas.

Socks. What a useless piece of clothing Winky noticed as she passed Dobby who was pulling on another pair of the ridiculous garment. He was now on his tenth pair, each one a more disturbing color than the last. This pair had tiny snitches and hideous looking birds on them, which changed a different color when he walked. She thought that clothes were the last thing Dobby would want, but no, there he was pulling on more pairs every night. Winky was beginning to think she should wear clothes, but then shook her head and began to cry, punishing herself.
Forget the future signature;

Last edited by Golden Monkey; 09-06-2006 at 05:04 PM. Reason: Loosing track of how many I did now...
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