Drabble 8: Potions Barty giggled like a little boy. “Hurry up Wormtail. I want to make this potion quickly. So I can get to Hogwarts again.” Wormtail flittered along, his body hunched. He had so much riding on this potion. Barty would kill him, the Dark Lord would kill him. Finally it was finished. Barty laughed manically, drinking a goblet full. His body shuddered and stretched. His brown hair turned grey. He was old. “Yes. Wormtail. It is complete. I didn’t know you made potions.” He laughed, his voice very much lower. He had become Alastor ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody. The Polyjuice Potion had worked.
__________________ It looks like I'm not ginger after all  Charlie Tudor - 1st Year Slytherpuff
Last edited by Disneymaniac; 09-11-2006 at 11:26 AM.