*smacks* No it's not Charley Weasley don't skim posts Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 83. : Love's Call-summer fields around town 1936
Charles Sumpter was ace, and everyone around town knew it. He was the best at rugby, soccer and cricket any day of the week. Not too bright in school but who cared about that when you were going to play professionally. Everyone around Ottery St. Catchpole knew him and loved him. The bravest boy. The favorite boy.
Everyone but Marisa.
He walked over dirt covered, and sweaty, smiling, to where the ball had gone where the girls sat watching them play.
“Get the ball Charley!”
Marisa was holding the sphere and suddenly he knew what it was to be fearful.