So *awkard silence* everyone watch Grey's Anatomy? *smiles nervously* Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 29. : We could have loved-6th Avenue
“I don’t love you,” she said, slapping him on the face for good measure.
He grabbed her arm. She turned fire in her eyes. He wouldn’t let her leave like that.
“Didn’t you hear me the first time?” she screamed slapping him again with her free hand.
He stood there holding her, and she laughed going for her wand. It was then he let her go ...
The memory rippled in the pensieve.
He’d only let Bellatrix go to defend himself. Walking to his bedroom window he watched the starlight over Ottery St. Catchpole. It could have been our home.