Summer funs ... and Lj is the devil! *Ottery preaches to the congregation* Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 95. : Ice Scream-The Burrow
It was hot. Not a little warm, but rather Saharan Desert, boil an egg on concrete, sweat evaporates instead of trickles, hot. Ron lay on the little wooden dock that led to the lake. In the water, Fred and George snickering looked over at their brother who had just finished eating and couldn’t go for a swim. Ron was slowly melting on the dock.
“You’re not dragging me into the water,” Ron said, lying just out of reach.
“Why would we …”
“Want to do that?” George finished.
Ron opened his eyes. Screamed as a giant snowball landed on him.