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Old 09-04-2006, 10:10 PM   #10 (permalink)
Golden Monkey
Dark Force Defense League
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Default Drabble 10: #5 Astronomy
The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas.

Remembering Dumbledore

The stars twinkled in their own light, which glistened on the lake enticing Winky. She was on the Astronomy tower, getting some air and thinking about the ceremony for Professor Dumbledore. The castle was quiet, even the portraits were having their own moments of silence. It was too depressing for Winky so here she was, watching the twinkling stars, wondering how the war would go now with their beloved Headmaster gone, she hoped Harry would be able to overcome his angst and defeat the Dark Lord. A star shot out of nowhere, making Winky jump, smiling as she remembered Dumbledore.
Forget the future signature;
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