All America's best comic writers come from Britain don'tcha know? ♥'s Grant Morrison Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert 74. : Comic Book Love-Dr. Atomix Comic Shop
Inside the bookstore, Ron whistled bored, while Harry riffled through an issue of 2000A.D. and Ottery chatted incessantly as he perused the books on the shelves.
“No Teen Titans this week,” the dark haired boy said grumpily.
“I can’t believe you like reading, Otts,” Ron said incredulously.
“Don’t forget they have pictures,” Harry added mischievously.
“Funny, Harry. Anyways, I was thinking of making a comic book. Call it, X-Tinguish, you know like X-Men only about a group of wizards who fight evil trolls, ogres and stuff.”
Harry & Ron looked at each other, “X-tinguish?”
“X-terminate? Teen Sorcerers? The Mighty Wizards?”
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