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Old 09-03-2006, 04:36 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Drabble #1. Herbology
Title: Why?
Disclaimer: J.K's
Genre: General

Ginny stared at the Draco Malfoy she had a spare so she had come out the Greenhouses. She came to see how her projects were doing.

There sat Draco Malfoy, obviously staying after class.

“You have a spare?” She asked idly as she walked over and he nodded concentrated on his mimblus ylenia

“If you simply dig your hand under that root it’ll stop the flow of the sap.” She said watching as he struggled to do what she said and finally sighed in relief as it stopped.

“Thanks.” He answered gratefully.

If only she knew why she helped him.
And finally a happily ever after. Hana Yori Dango Final.

Image courtesy of InTheirBadnessReign
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