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Old 09-03-2006, 01:27 AM   #297 (permalink)
Formerly: AutumnSun
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maisie Travers
Fifth Year
No fun tag! | Haha, Zombie! | Nyeaarr!

Originally Posted by Katie
Thanks! I'm sooo busy getting ready for school, that I don't have a lot of time to post. But, I promise I'll try to do one tonight.
Oh.. School I want my teacher back!!! Am I allowed to move a little more south and do grade 8 over again just so I can stay with my teacher? Hey, the bright side of doing that is... I'm gonna get extremely good grades because I'll know everything!! *cries* School starts on tuesday...

Originally Posted by Katie
Yeah Nate, don't brag! I'll post soon.........but you have to post in Untimely Affections & Endless Pain!
*nods* Yeah... Agree with your sister *tries not to laugh* I swear, you have to read that thing... I want to know if it sounds like you... But it made me No, seriously... Charming, attractive, friendly... ZOMG... All I could think of was Nate, I swear... Oh by the way, a random tidbit for you two. At the age of fifteen *in 36 days* you will *tries to remember* have a turning point of some sort of emotional and/or personal something or rather... I'll tell you exactly what it said... I can predict the future!! Except, this was from 1998 so Pluto is no longer a planet... *rambles* I can type utter nonsense without realizing it *shakes head*

Are you saying that I have to post in order to get a post? I was actually going to post yesterday... But my mom came home unexpectedly so I frantically got off of her computer... So no postie *sigh*

Originally Posted by Katie
Actually, I'm thinking of doing a triliogy. My next fic will be a continuation of this one.....and it's going to take place in Ginny's 7th year. So James and Sirius will be dead, Bill is marrying Fleur, and Remus is with Tonks.
Ooooh. Triliogy... *steals* Hey... *needs Eragon* I'm going to get Empire whether or not it kills me!!! Inheritence is a good triliogy... You must read... Am I the only one who reads the triliogy or what? Murtagh... *Eragon is Blue. Eldest is Red. Empire is Green*

And the thrid one is going to be about when all of their kids go to Hogwarts.
That'll be the third triliogy I've ever read then First, LoTR... then Inheiritence, which is a good triliogy read it!! andn ow your stories!! Well, at least I think.. wait, no it's the fourth

Originally Posted by Katie... No giving away meh men

So, you could be with Charlie, Fred, or George; or you could be Hermione's daughter. Who would you like to be?
Ahem!!! They are mine!! She can have Fred.. Charlie is mine and George is my twinneh...

Yes, most of the marauder stories end the same way.......but I'm going to put a few twists in it.
Twists?? Twists?? Oh wait.. theres a few twists in mine...

Originally Posted by Gisele
Happy Birthday Ashlyn!!!
Thank you!!

Originally Posted by Jessica!
Oh, Happy B-day, to who's B-day it is. Ashley, is it? PAMS! PAMS!
Thank you and it's Ashlyn... Yes. PAMS PAMS!!! *counts on fingers*So thats... Katie, Nate, Laura, Jessica, Gisele, Niky and I could have sworn someone else too... 9 days to my birthday!! On a monday so I have to go to school.... *frowns* 36 days til the lufferly twinnehs b-day

PAMS!!! *dies from lack of postageness* This is my chance to say PAMS!! WE must know what happens!!!!
about harry potter : "a generation grew up with them."
"why do you live?" "because I have something worth living for."

He couldn’t know that at this very moment, people meeting in
secret all over the country were holding up their glasses and
saying in hushed voices: “To Harry Potter — the boy who lived!"
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