Drabble #29. Pensieve
Title: Stalking the littlest Weasley
Genre: General,
Year: Fourth-Ginny
Disclaimer: J.K. owns em
Stalking the littlest Weasley was mighty fun for him because he got to watch her get all...well he would like to say hot and bothered but really it was just bothered.
Finally turning around she glared at him with threatening eyes.
"What do you want Malfoy? You're not making fun of me. Nor are you commenting on my bad robes. SO WHAT DO YOU WANT?"
It was like looking in a pensieve. Except that she'd grown up. Her eyes held the same fire in them as they had at eleven. That one had been easy to extinguish but this one..
__________________ And finally a happily ever after. Hana Yori Dango Final. Image courtesy of InTheirBadnessReign |