#68: Roar
I tried again. “I’m just saying—“
“NO!” Lucius roared, knocking the bottle of fire whisky over. It fell to the marble floor with a crash. I jumped away from the mess. “My allegiance is to the Dark Lord and him alone! Family comes second to that.”
Shaken by his words and the bottle that lay in shards on the floor, I ordered the house elves to come over and clean it up. Fear in their eyes, they quickly discarded all the glass and wiped up all the remaining fire whisky.
“DON’T!” He roared once more, and stalked out.
__________________ White shores are calling... You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. We are proud to fight alongside men once more. ...You and I will meet again I <3 you, all my SS friends. Namarie! |