#82: Careful
My heart was beating very fast. I was pressed so tightly against Lucius that I could feel his heart throbbing as well.
“We’ve got to be careful,” Lucius whispered frantically, inching to the door and opening it a crack. Biting my lip, I slipped behind him. Footsteps echoes outside again. We hid behind the door, willing for them to pass by. To my relief, they did after a few seconds.
The coast was clear.
Carefully tiptoeing down the spiral staircase, we reached the bottom in one piece. When the door guarded by gargoyles opened for us, we ran for it.
__________________ White shores are calling... You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. We are proud to fight alongside men once more. ...You and I will meet again I <3 you, all my SS friends. Namarie! |