Thread: my poems
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Old 02-12-2004, 03:15 AM   #17 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 52

Do you really feel like that? Because smiling and laughter, even if it's fake, is an excellent curer of misery. Let everyone know that you're ok, and even if you're not, eventually you might convince yourself that you are. I do it every day. And I appear to be the most cheerful person anyone knows. NA you know what? I almost believe it. It's definetly better than wallowing im my unhappiness. The act keeps me occupied, prevents me from dwelling on the pain. So pick up your pieces and put on a fake front. Maybe it won'ts be so fake. I wrote a poem about it in my earlier poems that nobody replied to entitle "Poems for Ginny"
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