Drabble Fifteen - Untitled - 13. Quidditch When the fourth year began it was back to the usual for the four boys who now called themselves the marauders. James was on his way to the quidditch pitch when he saw Lily with her boyfriend hugging each other before parting ways. He was still chasing after Lily , he didn't care if she had a boyfriend.
"Hey Evans" James called to her but she ignored him.
" Bad Luck " Sirius pointed out from behind him. " I'm bored, do you wanna prank Snivellus ?"
And with that the two boys headed off to look for Snape as Lily was nearby crying.
Been Kidnapped by college..Will be returned soon
Last edited by LovelyLunaLovegood; 09-12-2006 at 03:21 AM.