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Old 08-31-2006, 09:54 PM   #10 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
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Drabble #9 - Allergic


Half the heads in the library turned to glare at Katie, who merely stuck her tongue out at them before going down for another loud sneeze.

Madam Pince came over looking like a snakeless Medusa, ready to turn the sneezer into stone.

“I’m sorry, Madam Pince…but it’s just the dust or something.” She said hastily, not keen to land another week in detention.

It would have worked too, if she hadn’t let loose another ginormous sneeze. “Merlin! I swear my brain would have gone through my nose that time!”

Pince glared, Flint entered, Katie grinned “I’m allergic to Flint.”

Nikolai Vannacutt

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