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Old 08-31-2006, 03:09 PM   #32 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
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Join Date: Aug 2004
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First Year

Yule Ball

The hall was full of twirling whirling swirling couples, music pulsated through the hall. Dress robes swished, arms linked. Laughter rustled over the noise of drinks being poured and glasses chinked. Harry led his date onto the floor and began to swirl along with the rest of the mass. Ginny was near them, dancing on her partners toes she laughed before catching sight of Harry. Their eyes met and they couldn’t bring themselves to tear their gaze away from the other. This was the very first Yule Ball and Harry and Ginny were lost in the world of the other.
Graphics made by: Thumper

Zoe loves Imi the most!
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