my darkness tips my scale my light
is as light as a feather every time i think
about my life i get depressed depressing things
depress me im hiding under my bed but i
always end up in a dark tunnel you were
my light and now theres nothing but darkness
i guess sombody said you were the light of my
life not a single person hated you everyone
loved you it was hard not to i live my days
slow now i watch as they go bye days weeks
months years they pass to me like minutes
i wish i could live them but i can't not without
my only friend when you came i was in darkness
then you lit my way but your gone and my
darkness is back i wish i could have told you if i
did maybe you would be here when he took
your life he took mine and i wouldn't be writing
this you loved him but he didn't love you
i was to late getting there if i did tell you
about how i felt you would be with me