Potter Nurse || Hockey obsession <3 | Go Wings! || Geaux Tigers!
Serena studied the bird for a few moments, admiring its colors. When Chiyo bent her head down to begin drawing the bird and other students began taking pictures, Serena felt as though she should give the camera a try. After all, one never gained anything from being afraid to try new things. It all seemed rather simplistic when she had watched her other housemates.
Reaching forward, she slid the camera off of Patrick's desk, giving him a quick smile as she looked at the meter. Noticing that there were still plenty of pictures left, Serena made certain that the camera wheel was all the way to the right, then raised it so that she could look through the small window. Trying her best to focus on the bird, she took a few snapshots, each from different angles, remembering to turn the wheel each time.
When she finished, she set the camera back down, writing additional notes on the bird's appearance. The camera was rather an interesting tool, but she thought that she had enough of taking pictures for the day. She hoped that the pictures would develop properly.