I'm only giving two posts today. =)
Same charries that I usually post quotes from.
Nik laughed uncertainly, "Listen to what my head is saying? It's not making an sense and it's as if there are 4 people in there right now, all telling me to do different things." he said honestly, "but well..I wont listen to any of them right now and just..."
He blushed and leaned in quickly before he lost his nerve or regained his sanity (whatever), kissing her on the lips for about 2 seconds before pulling back and looking down at his foot, biting his lip shyly. The voices in his head had simultaneusly ceased their blabbing but they were not screaming at him for his rashness.
"Hah. Four people in yours? Mine seems like there's five." She was about to say something else but suddenly Nik leaned in and kissed her for like two seconds. She of course kissed back for the two seconds they kissed. Her face had turned extremely red and she looked at her nails again. It seemed as if the thoughts had finally gone away. She grinned and looked over at her friend. "Remember when we were walking that hall with the portraits and you said there was something you wanted to do? Was that it? If it was all I have to say is that it's about time!" She stuck her tongue out and went back to looking down at her nails which didnt' really exist.
Okay I'm done.