I'm.defying.gravity | true north strong and free | thumpity-thump-thump
Well, this is the last post that you're gunna get for awhile, If you have any ideas, let me know. I'm just kinda at a spot that I can't write anything. I've been not all that great lately. And I'm super tired. My friend went home at 2 in the morning because she wasn't feeling that good, and didn't want to keep me up. so It kinda really sucks.. I hadn't seen her in a long time.
But here's your post, and its not all that good. but it was just something that i had to put in. I'm still half making introductions. _____________________________
I was so upset. What did I ever do to make him go and make out with someone he knows I hate? And right after he asked me out. I had said yes. Hadn't I? Yes, I'm sure I did.
I needed to talk to Lyssa. She's my other best friend. I grew up with her too. Her mom Luna is one of my moms friends. Luna Longbotton, is quite extrodinary. She always seems to know what's wrong before I even tell her. She has a habit of finishing my sentences. I could use her smile right about now, to bad she's at the prefect meeting with Carly and my brother, who also happens to be her boyfriend. They never seem to fight and they've been together for over a year now. How I wish Matt and I could be like that and we wouldn't fight. I wonder if they would let me into the prefect meeting. Nah, I'm not that desperate, just really upset.
For the rest of the train ride I sat in the compartment by my self, leaving the door unlocked incase Carly and Lyssa came back. Matt came down near the end but I just pretended that I was asleep. He came over and kissed me softly and I faintly heard him whisper "Hopefully one day you'll know how much you mean to me Keely."
We arrived at Hogwarts for the feast but there was noone in the Headmistress seat. Instead my Aunt(she's headmistress) was sitting in the muggle studies chair. Once everyone had settled down she stood up.
"I know that normally I would be sitting that that seat, but I've decided that it too much for me to handle. Starting this year we will have a new Headmaster. All the staff know that he will do an excellent job and are very pleased that he has finally accepted the post. Please join us in welcoming my best friend, Mr. Harry Potter!!" she said then sitting down.
Cheers erupted from the whole hall, except for those wearing silver and green. I was just shocked. Why didn't dad tell me. Normally he tells me everything about school. Maybe it was just something so that he'd be able to keep a watchful eye on me. Wait, he already had my aunt to do that.
There you go, hope it you like it, I'll post when I get another idea to go with.
sorry, just not my self lately.