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Old 08-19-2006, 03:07 PM   #284 (permalink)
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"Well, boys. Are you ready?" the old man asked.

"Yes, sir." Harry said.

The proffesor threw the Floo Powder into the dancing orange flames. They immediately turned emerald green.

The three boys stood in the flames, still with Hermione in Cedric's arms, and they shouted, "ST MUNGO'S HOSPITAL!"

There was a whoosh, a flicker of flames and they vanished.

The old familiar feeling of being sucked into a plughole and spinning took over Harry. The rush of flashing colours made him feel sick. He closed his eyes, but he could still feel himself spinning.

No sooner than it began it stopped.

"You ok there Potter?" Cedric grinned.

Ron helped him up off the floor, and Harry brushed himself off.

"I hate Floo Powder." Harry grumbled, still a bit dizzy.

"You must be the Hogwarts students." said a young healer, about 16/17 years old, smiling. "We got an owl from your Matron and Headmaster informing us."

"Um ... yeah." Ron said, looking confused.

The young woman took Hermione from Cedric's arms and placed her on a bed and wheeled her to the appropriate ward.

Over the next few days, Hermione was being treated with Muggle treatment at St Mungo's, and was slowly recovering to normal health. Harry, Cedric & Ron stayed with her.

"Are you the friend's of a Miss Hermione Jane Granger?" asked the Head Matron of the ward as she approached them.

The boys nodded. "Is she ok?" Ron asked.

"Are you aware that Hermione has an allergy?" she asked.

"No. What type of allergy?" Ron asked again, confused at what his friend could be allergic to.

"A magic allergy. She also has a lung failure and a kidney failure.."

"She can't have!" Cedric piped up. "She was perfectly fine!"

"Well she isn't now I'm afraid." the Matron said gently.

"How long has she got?" Harry asked, scared at the answer.

"Two years at the most. Eighteen months at the least." The Matron said gravely. "That is if we don't get lung and kidney doners. If we do, she lives longer."
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