Originally Posted by Hermione_loves_Ron
Jamie couldn't stay upset. Especially when Bucky began demanding her milkshake. He closed the distance between them by leaping towards her and throwing his arms around her neck.
"Fine," he said. "Don't accept my apology and I want accept yours," he said, quite amiably, squeezing her perhaps too hard. The cashier blinked a few times before shaking her head and calling the order in.
"I don't like being upset at you, Bucky," he told her.
Bucky eyes were fixed on the cashier. She hadn't moved a finger to obey her order. If she didn't move in five second she would demand to speak with her supervisor. Awfuly service they had in these muggle shop thingums. She didn't get the chance to react though for Jamie had unexpectedly thrown himself at her.
Shocked for a few seconds, Bucky held her arms by her sides, stiffening as she did so. Recovering quickly, she patted Jamie's back softly, and wince slightly as he squeezed harder.
"Me neither," she wheezed and squinted for some reason. "But...not so hard."
Maybe he'll get it. Maybe he'll realize he was squeezing her to death.