Professor Virohsa eyed the closed door, glad that her room always had an impertuvatus spell (which means other people outside can't hear us). "I understand your concern, however, I believe you may be just what we need..... Eyes and ears...", she replied. "The key to protecting the school is not in confronting a mad woman in love. It is on following her around without her knowing that we are listening intently. We don't want her to know that we know...That way, we can figure out where she is hiding him and act appropriately", she explained. She didn't want to mention the fact that Lainey seemed to want the Book of Mysteria to Voldemortist... "I believe you are better protected by knowing the dangers that await all of you, so keep your eyes and ears open... I am personally going to follow Lainey around to make sure she is not consorting with the enemy within school grounds", she stated briskly.
"If you do notice anything... send me an OWL with the key word: Belladona studs are in season. That way, if it is intercepted, no one will know", she added. |