Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 56
| Chapter seventeen
The next week was awful for Ellie. Draco no longer paid attention to her, not that she wanted him to, and Ginny and Harry seemed angry with her. Ron had begun to ignore Ellie to, because if he talked to her, Harry would get mad at him.
Hermione was to busy to talk to anyone, and Ginny stuck with Harry and Ron. So Ellie was on her own. She was deathly scared of someone seeing the dark mark, and she kept waking up in the middle of the night, screaming, as she relived that horrible night in her head.
Ellie was slowly making her way down to dinner, completely depressed, when a hand caught her arm (thankfully her right) and she whipped around to find herself facing Draco.
“WHAT?!” She screamed. A few heads turned, but she didn’t mind.
“There is a meeting tonight, and you should be there.” Ellie just stared at him blankly. He pointed to her left arm, and she understood.
“Well, I’m not going!” She said, staring him straight in the eye.
“You have to, you’re one of us.” Draco said quietly, not wanting to attract attention.
“NO I AM NOT ONE OF YOU!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. Everyone who was already eating looked up. They were standing in the doorway, so everyone had a clear view of them.
“Yes, you are.” Draco sad, looking slightly nervous, with all the eyes on him.
“NO I AM NOT! JUST BECAUSE I GOT THIS STUPID THING, DOUSN’T MEEN I’M ONE OF THEM! YOU FORCED ME TOO, AND YOU DIDN’T EVEN TELL ME WHAT WAS GOING ON!” Draco was loosing his temper, and he started to shout, not thinking of what he was saying.
“YES YOU ARE! YOU ARE A MALFOY, AND THAT MEENS YOU HAVE THE SAME RESPONSOBILITY’S AS ANY OTHER MALFOY.” People started to whisper “Malfoy, did he say? What douse that mean?” but soon, Ellie was yelling again.
“I MAY HAVE BEEN BORN A MALFOY, BUT GUESS WHAT, I’M NOT ANYMORE. VOLDIMORT MADE SURE OF THAT!” A few people screamed when she said the name, and no less the 10 people fell out of their benches.
“YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT ABOUT OUR MASTOR. HE MARKED YOU AS ONE OF HIS!” Even more people gasped at this. “I DIDN’T WANT TO BE!” Ellie screamed, tears now flowing down her face. “AND GUESS WHAT? I’M TELLING DUMBLEDOR!” And with that, she broke into a run, through the hall, with Draco racing after her.
Ellie reached the head table, and thrust up her left sleeve, the brand new mark clear on her arm. Many of the teachers were looking at her and Draco very disapprovingly, and when they saw the mark, gasped. But Ellie only had eyes for Dumbledore, who looked as calm as ever.
“I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know what was going on. I wanted to run, but I couldn’t, and then he put this…this stupid thing on my arm. I’m sorry!” And she dissolved into tears.
Before Dumbledore said anything, the entire castle began to rumble. The students, who had been finding all this rather exiting, began to panic. Some screamed, and many wolfed down the last of their cake before it would be lost.
As if this was a signal, Draco grabbed Ellie by the wrist, and swiftly turned on the spot. Ellie tried to yank herself out of his grip, but it was to late. Hogwarts had disappeared, along with her friends, and Dumbledore, the one person she thought would be able to help her. They were all gone.
They landed in the same room as before, but this time they went out a different door, and up at least three flights of steps. They started down a long hallway, the entire time Ellie struggling to get away, tears streaming down her face.
As they walked by one door, Ellie could hear pounding on the other side, and Narcisa’s voice screaming, “NO! DON’T! PLEASE DON’T!” Ellie glared at Draco as they passed, as if he was the cause of it.
“Dear mother didn’t agree with what was going to happen, so father was forced to restrain her.” Was all he said. And then opened a door, forcing Ellie in.
“Ellie. I’ve been expecting you.” It was Lucius. “The Dark Lord had decided to give you a chance, to see if the Mudbloods, and Mudblood lovers had rubbed off on you yet, and it seems that they have. We can’t have one like you poisoning are ancient line of Malfoys. We have decided that you have to go.”
Ellie just stared at him, not sure of what was happening. “the Dark Lord gave me permission to do it, and I am very thankful to him. He understands the un want of poison in a perfect line. So, any last wishes?” Ellie finally understood what was happening.
She didn’t know what to do. She knew that it would be no use, begging Lucius not to do it, but what about Draco? Maybe he could help. “Draco! Come one, you don’t want me dead, do you?” She cried, the desperation clear in her voice.
“Come on Draco! I’m your sister, remember?” Lucius laughed. “He’s under the impereouse curse, girl. He can’t do anything, even if he wants to.” Ellie began to cry. She didn’t want to die, as if anyone did at the age of sixteen.
Draco was fighting with himself as hard as he could. Of coarse he didn’t want Ellie dead! She was his sister, and he loved her! But the curse was to strong, and all he could do was stare coldly at her.
“He’s under the impereouse curse, girl. He can’t do anything, even if he wants to.” Draco looked at his father, who was laughing as he raised his wand, pointing it directly at Ellie.
This couldn’t be happening! Ellie can’t be killed, with him there. He’s her big brother, he was supposed to protect her, it was his job! He fought with all his might. He had to do something.
The tears were blurring her vision. She couldn’t see anything, but she didn’t want to see it. She clenched her eyes shut, waiting for the green light to flash through her.
“AVADA KADAVRA!” She heard Lucius screech. Ellie couldn’t help it, her eyes opened, and as if in slow motion, she watched the green light approach her. She heard a cry, and looked to Draco, he was leaping towards her, and shoved her out of the way.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, and then the light hit him, and he fell to the ground, dead. “DRACO!” Ellie cried, and knelt down next to him. “Why did you do that?” she whispered, sobbing.
“IT’S YOUR FAULT!” She looked up, and there was Lucius with his wand again pointed at her. ‘it was no use, Draco. He’s just going to kill me now.’ He raised his wand.
Ellie closed her eyes again, this time telling her not to open them.
“Avada Kedavra!” As much as Ellie didn’t want them to, her eyes opened. It hadn’t been Lucius Malfoy’s voice, it had been, Narcissa’s! The killing curse flew over Ellie’s head, and hit Lucius squarely in the face.
Narcissa gasped, and dropped her wand as if it had burned her. Ellie could only stare at her brother, half not believing that he could be dead. “D…Draco? C’mon. This isn’t funny Draco, wake up!”
She had seen it happen, but she wouldn’t let herself believe it. Half of her brain was telling her, ‘he’s gone. He’ll never come back, He’s dead.’ ‘NO! NO HE ISN’T!’ Said the other half. She so wanted to believe it, and yet she couldn’t.
“Ellie, dear. Come here.” It was Narcissa saying it. Ellie made herself get up, and walk away from Draco. She sniffed, whipping her eyes on her sleeve. She looked up to see tears in Narcissa’s eyes too, as she looked down.
“Ellie, you need to listen to me. I know how you feel about l…loosing someone close to you l…like this, b…but we don’t have time stop right now. HE will be coming soon, and we have to get you out of here.” “But…!” “No, listen to me! If he finds you, he will kill you. He’ll do it in the blink of an eye. Take this. It’s a letter to Dumbledore, explaining everything.” Ellie nodded, whipped away more tears, and sniffed again.
“H…how will I g…get back to H…hogwarts?” Narcissa looked around, and then pulled a picture frame out of the folds of her robes. She tapped it with her wand, and muttered under her breath. The frame glowed gold for a moment, and then went back to it’s normal state.
“Portkey, (NOT PORKATY ERIN!) and please keep the picture. I think you’ll like it.” Ellie nodded, and was about to take the picture when she stopped.
“But what about you?!” She whispered. “They’ll now you helped me somehow! Why don’t you come to?” Narcissa shook her head. “I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. If I go with you, they will probably try and come after, even if it means to go straight into Hogwarts.”
“But…” Ellie never finished the sentence. The pop of a wizard or Witch aparating filled the room, and figures in long black robes appeared, closing in on Ellie and Narcissa. “GO!” Screamed Narcissa, and shoved the frame into Ellie’s hand. The last thing Ellie saw before being taken to Hogwarts, was the door banging open, and Voldimort swooping into the room, wand pointed directly at Ellie. And then she was standing outside of the Three Broomsticks.
Ellie almost fell over, but just caught herself. She stood still remembering Draco, lying on the ground, completely still, and she completely broke down. She fell to the ground, hugging herself, and sobbing. The sudden burning in her left arm brought her back to what was happening, and she looked down at her left arm. The mark was on fire.
She had to get to Dumbledore, she had to tell him what had happened, and had to get him the letter. She stumbled up. the pain was horrible, and she could hardly see where she was going, but she stumbled on. She had almost reached Hogwarts gates, when she heard the swish of a cloak. She whipped around, and there, standing as if he owned the place, was Voldimort, followed by five death eaters.
Ellie screamed. She screamed like she had never screamed before. Voldimort grinned evilly, and raised his wand, but Ellie decided to not give him an easy target, or a target at all, for that matter. She took off in a mad dash towards the castle, and heard Voldimort and his followers start after her.
‘don’t look back, don’t look back, just run. Faster would be nice!” it was just getting dark, so maybe someone would still be awake, looking out the window. Hopefully.
Run, run, run, OH GOSH!” Green light had hissed past her, hitting the ground slightly ahead of her. She stumbled, but kept on going. Another curse swooped right above her head, and she screamed again. Louder this time, and again as a curse landed right between her feet.
“HELP!” She shrieked. “PLEASE HELP!” She looked up, and saw four figures leap up from a spot by the lake. They looked familiar, but the tears in her eyes blurred there faces. All she could make out was two heads of vibrant red hair, a blob of jet black, and a fuzz ball of brown.
Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Harry were all sitting in the grass, around the lack. No one was talking, each were deep in thought. Things had gone crazy after Malfoy disaperated right in the middle of Hogwarts. Dumbledore had ordered everyone to their common rooms, and had taken the teachers to his office.
No one knew were Malfoy had taken Ellie, and had no idea why. If they had known why, they could have used it, maybe to help, but they were left in the dark. The trio plus Ginny had sneaked out, not wanting to be a part of the common room gossip, that they knew was going on.
They would be bombarded with questions, since they were Ellie’s friends. Ginny had finally told Hermione and Ron about what they new, and was feeling awful. She should have been there for Ellie! She was her best friend, and everyone had noticed Malfoy going back to his old self, so why hadn’t she at least confronted Ellie, given her another chance?
Ginny whipped away a tear, and watched as the giant squid roamed the waters, just below the surface. Ginny was about to turn in, saying she was tired, when they heard a shout.
“HELP! PLEASE HELP!” They all jumped up, and turned, to see Ellie running as fast as she could, six figures running after her. Ginny heard Hermione give out a shuddering gasp as flashed of green light shot by there friend.
“We’ve got to do something!” Ginny cried, starting to run to her friend. Right then, Ellie tripped, and hit the ground hard. She tried to get up, but before she did, they all heard a high, cold voice hiss, “CRUCIO!” Ellie began to scream.
Ellie ran as hard as she could, keeping her eyes on the figures. She was about to cry out for help again, but her foot caught, and she was sent tumbling to the ground. The fall knocked the air out of her lungs, and she gasped for breath.
‘UP! get up ellie! If you don’t he’ll kill you.’ Ellie tried to get up, but before she could, she heard a high, cold voice hiss, “Crucio!” the pain was to much, and it was everywhere. Ellie screamed, as if in this way she could make it stop. But nothing would make it stop. Only HE could.
Everything that had happened came crashing down on her, and with the crucio curse, it just got worse. She was sobbing, and trying to get away, but she couldn’t move. And then, all she knew was darkness.
Ok, Yeah, I know it's kinda out there but...whatever! Now, I am off to watch She's the Man with my sisters. They insist on watching it up stairs so I can't use the computer. Rather stupid, really. Oh well, hope you like it!