That was entirely not my fault.........it was Zy.....she did it!
She stuck the toaster in Harry's underpants.
No wait..........wasn't it you who told me to write that valentine in the first place?!?
I state that it was not, my bad!...........well maybe.........I can't remember all the Evil things I do.
Treasured moments:
"You lost it!" Zy shrieked. "You had it last. There's butter on your thumb!"
"If I had it last," Lotus replied, trying to stay calm, "then why is there burnt toast in your pocket!"
The author separated the two Eliters and had house elves sit on them until they were a little calmer.
"Look," she said, once the two girls were sufficiently covered with house elves.
"I'll do it," Lotus offered. "I don't have some random character squirreled away for my nefarious uses, plus I think Harry's kinda cute and needs some love and attention."