Lesson Two On the board: Ants into Rice Wand motion: A swooping motion with a jab ending Spell: "Inverti Apocri" :: Professor Ganymede walked about the classroom setting 3 jars of ants on the front desks. They crawled about making the contents look more like undulating molasses. A few times she had to pause and flick an adventurous ant off her arm or hand. She had a uncertain look on her face. "I don't want ants all over the school. I guess I could always just throw you outside afterwards." She commented to herself. She made her way to her desk, but kept an eye on the jars. Some ants were already crawling out onto the surface of the students desks. I wonder if ants are good for plants? She thought with a very ornery smirk on her face. She pulled out her wand and did a silent spell that sent a wave of pink onto the three jars. Suddenly, the ants returned to the jars and lined up perfectly. As they marched in the cilinder of the jar, they created of a whirlpool of ants. They seemed eager to leave but waited patiently for Professor Ganymede. :: |