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Old 08-06-2006, 01:07 PM   #255 (permalink)
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Hermione rushed into Transfiguration, and sat next to Harry and Ron at the front of the class.

"Miss Granger, why were you late?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Sorry, professor, I forgot my books and quill." Hermione lied.

"Very well. Don't let it happen again. You'll see detention." she smiled warmly at Hermione.

"Yes ma'am." Hermione whispered.

"How is it that you can get out of things by saying that and I can't?" Neville asked, who was sitting across from the trio.

Lunch came rolling by slowly for Cedric. During Divination, the strong perfumed room of Professor Trelawney's made Cedric's friend Pete pass out.Michael took him to the Hospital Wing, though Cedric was worried about his friend.

He rushed to the Great Hall, hoping to catch Hermione waiting for him.

He scoured the Hall for her, she was nowhere in sight.

"Are you looking for Hermione?" Neville asked.

Cedric nodded.

"You just missed her." he said.

"Where is she?" Ced asked.

"The Hospital Wing. She choked on her food when Ron said something disgusting out loud in Lavendar's ear. Harry gave her a bit of water to wahs it down and she just keeled over unconscious. Tried everything to wake her up. Someone must've put something into her drink."

Cedric took off in the direction of the Hospital, Cho looked on, with a triumphant look on her face.

"What did you do Cho?" Marietta asked.

"You know when I went up to Harry to talk to him?" Mariette nodded. "I Slipped Dragon Blood and Sleeping Draught in her goblet."

Both girls giggled.

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