Originally Posted by Agos*
Gosh! It was amazing! I loved it!
You are really god, hun!
Thanks Agos!
Originally Posted by Lillith_Evans
Great one shot! I loved how James was so sarcastic at points!
Really? You want to apologize? For what? Hurting me? Breaking my heart? Making me look like an idiot?
I looked over to see Lily slowly making her way over, alone. This confused me, for she never comes near me alone. Actually, she never comes near me at all.
James was just so cute through this whole story. I loved it ^.^
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

Originally Posted by Rose
That was great, Cai! So, sad, though. So, so sad. Made me want to poke James for making Lily seem mean... lol *pokes him* But I guess I would be to...
It was fantastic! One of the best one shots I've ever read!
Rose! I'm so glad you read this! And I'm even more glad that you like it! You're so sweet!
Originally Posted by carmu
wow that was really really really amazin!!!
it was soo sweet! n voldie has 2 ruin it!!!
congrats on a fantastic one-shot!
Thanks carmu! That means a lot to me!