Forever Refreshing Porlock
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Elijah Alexander Navalta | My Best Memory - Sa9+ Hey everyone! I'm Cai, and this is my second fic! But this one is a one-shot! I hope you like it! It's about Lily and James, but it's coming from James' point of view. My other fanfic is called 'What the Girls Think...' which I highly recommend you check out! I love feedback, whether it's good or bad. So please don't hesitate with it. And remember, this is a one-shot, so there won't be any more after this. Let me know what you think...
<3 Cai
------------- My Best Memory The day was February 26th, and I was in my seventh year. I was standing by the lake, thinking of a certain someone. It was a Hogsmeade weekend, so the lake was deserted. I didn’t feel like going to Hogsmeade. After a while, it gets pretty boring. Especially when your best mate is off snogging some girl every time. Who the girls are is still a mystery to me.
Anyway, I heard soft footsteps walking towards me. I looked over to see Lily slowly making her way over, alone. This confused me, for she never comes near me alone. Actually, she never comes near me at all.
She stopped right next to me, looking up into my eyes. I continued to stare out at the lake, but I could still see her out of the corner of my eye.
“Lily,” I said simply. And yes, I call her Lily now. I’ve been calling her by her first name for a while.
“Hey James,” she said softly. You see that? No more Potter! It’s James now!
“Can I help you?” I asked plainly. Now don’t yell at me for the way I’m speaking. In a way, she sort of deserves it. Last night, I told her how I felt about her and she just ran away.
“I wanted to apologize,” she said slowly. Really? You want to apologize? For what? Hurting me? Breaking my heart? Making me look like an idiot?
I was waiting for her to finish, but she stopped there. I turned to look at her and our eyes locked. I could see sadness and guilt in her eyes. Good! Now she knows how I feel! “Continue,” I replied impatiently.
Her eyes slightly widened, I’m guessing because of my tone. Then, I saw a few tears in her beautiful green eyes. That’s when I felt guilty.
“James, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” she said quietly. Well then what did you mean to do, Lily?
I scowled lightly. “Well you did,” I said forcefully, then started to walk away.
She grabbed my arm to stop me. I slowly turned around to face her. Her tears were now silently falling down her cheeks. “James, please don’t do this to me,” she pleaded.
“Do what?! Run away like you did?! Well I’m sorry, Lily, but you really hurt me! So give me one reason why I should stay,” I shouted. And I’m sorry you had to see that, but she made me angry. She expected me to listen to her after what she did to me last night?
Her eyes were practically begging for me to just listen to her. “Because I have something very important to say,” she replied, her arm still holding onto mine and her eyes leaking out more tears.
I gave her a moment to tell me, but apparently, she was waiting for me to give her permission. “Well? Go on,” I said coldly. I didn’t mean to sound cold, I was just getting frustrated.
A few more tears fell. “James, I’m sorry for running away, but I was scared. I wasn’t expecting for you to tell me you love me just like that. I didn’t know what to think and I guess I felt like I was put on the spot. I never meant to hurt you; I just didn’t know what to do. I’m sorry,” she finished, looking away.
I thought about what she just said. It made me happy, but she still didn’t say what I wanted to hear. I did calm down a bit though. I looked at her, wanting to hold her, but I knew she would never feel the same way.
Though, I had to ask. “And how do you feel?” I asked simply.
She looked back up at me with questioning eyes. Her eyes killed me, especially now. I knew she had an answer, but I also knew she didn’t want to tell me. I figured it was an answer I didn’t want to hear.
I started to shake my head slowly and head back up to the castle, when she stopped me again. This time, though, I didn’t look at her. I continued to face the school.
“I feel upset that you won’t give me the chance to explain,” she started strongly. “I feel guilty for leaving you like I did. I feel angry about how I never listened to what my friends had to say about you. I feel happy because there is actually someone who cares about me.” She walked around to face me. I looked at her and I could see all her emotions through her eyes.
I slowly raised my hand to her cheek and gently wiped away her tears with my thumb. I noticed that she closed her eyes and slowly leaned her head into my hand, as if she didn’t want me to let go. I smiled slightly. “And how do you feel about me?” That’s what I meant to say at first, but I guess I didn’t word it correctly.
She opened her eyes and looked into mine. Her hand moved up to hold mine on her cheek. She smiled warmly. “I feel the same,” she said softly.
You don’t know how happy I was! She really made my day. No, she really made my life. I moved my other hand behind her neck and pulled her into a kiss. It was a long and gentle kiss, but it meant the world to me. Especially, when she started to kiss back.
From that day on, I knew that Lily was going to be my life. And she is. I could not be happier right now. I have the love of my life in my arms, and a child who will grow up to be exactly like us. Nothing could ruin this moment.
Maybe I spoke too soon… |