Having absolutely nothing to do and growing rather tired of the lousy lighting in the Slytherin Common Room (she already had half a headache from all the squinting she had to do in order to read), Lauren had packed up her books and supplies and headed to the tower in which her next class - Divination - was located. She figured that she wouldn't be allowed to get into the classroom yet (though she hadn't expected to have to wait this long - Professor Craft must be crazy to meet at such a heinous hour! How would having class in the middle of the night accomplish anything?), but camping out on the stairs and watching students go by beat being bored anywhere else.
To be perfectly honest, she wasn't looking forward to Divination. It seemed like such a big crock - tealeaf messages and crystal balls and seeing the future and all that stuff. Though not new to the world of magic, Lauren knew and recognized that she was new to performing magic and that some concepts would be easier understood with time ... but even so, it was hard to imagine her ever being successful at doing something like that. Still, she had learned a lesson from letting her preconceived notions of Professor Mao-Macdougal guide her expectations of Charms, so she had decided to give it a fair shot. It couldn't be that bad.
Noticing there was already one other student waiting for class to start, Lauren felt a bit more comfort in her arriving early. She didn't want to be seen as a nerdy student in her very first week at Hogwarts - she supposed she was a pretty big nerd since she had always had an unquenchable thirst for learning, but there was no need for the others to know that! - and, with someone else here as well, she was put a bit at ease. She settled on the cold stone stairs, opened a book she had brought from home, and began to read.
Last edited by laudienne; 08-01-2006 at 12:05 AM.