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Old 07-31-2006, 07:47 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
christine malfoy

He has to re-read what read in the paper: "MASS MUGGLES MURDERED."
Names of the muggles caught that his eyes in the report were his best friend, Hermione Granger's parents, Mr. and Ms. Ganger. How was he going to tell Hermione about her parents deaths. She would be very upset. He didn't know where anyone was at the moment. He must have been the only person in the house. He went to finishing re-reading the paper. He had to find Hermione to her the grave news about her parents being killed by Death Eaters on holiday. Harry got up from the table. Harry takes up Daily Prophet with him to show Hermione.

Harry went Ron's room because that is were Hermione was staying at the Burrow. She was going to marry Ron as soon as possible. She was living with him. Harry knocks on the door. It is about 8:50 pm and Ron answers his bedroom door with Hermione by his side. Ron and Hermione looks at Harry and Ron asks, "What is the matter, Harry?" Harry replies in a very sad tone, "Hermione, I have some really bad news. I just read about it the Daily Prophet and you should know that your parents are dead. Here read this, Hermione." Hermione reads the paper and the headline. The pictures of the muggles that were murdered were her parents. She couldn't believe it and she starts to cry. Ron comforts hermione and puts his arms around her. Ron says, "Hermione, I am so very about your parents. You know it very hard to lose a loved one I should know I just losted my sister, Ginny. It is such terrible news. Hermione, I love you and I will always love you don't you forget that." Harry is still standing in the bedroom door and Ron's says, "Come in Harry." Harry says, "Okay, I had to tell Hermione and you both because you are my best friends. I am so sorry for your loss, Hermione." All three go into Ron's room and Hermione hugs harry. Hermione says all teary eyed, "I know it is hard to lose a loved ones. I never have expierenced it until now. I never had feel what had you, Harry, all the sadness that builds up inside." Harry is surprised at Hermione. She always had kept it together, but now she fell apart.

hermione had just found out her parents died. she looks at ron and harry. she has tears running down her dress. she says, "harry, can i use hedwig to send a letter to my family that my parents are dead. i have to tell them." harry says, "okay!" hermione writes a letter to her uncle and his family saying that her parents had died. it was very painful to write. she couldn't evey detail about their deaths. she had to tell them going to bring her fiance with to her parents funeral. he was going to different not like them. she wanted them to come the funeral. she couldn't no more words.

harry called hedwig for hermione and hedwig held out snowy leg for hermione to tie the letter to her. hedwig clicks her beak. ron opens his bedroom window so hedwig can go outside and fly out the window. hedwig leaves and harry says, "we better go to the rest of the weasleys what happened in the daily prophet."

hermione says to ron, "you are coming to parents funeral. i wrote that you would please don't mad, honey!" she is crying! ron says, "i will go with you." harry says, "i will too. i will have too bring my daughters too. if that is all right with you hermione? you are my best friend and got me through so tough times and now we are both going the same thing." hermione says, "harry, bring your daughters and i glad you are my best friend." they all three go downstairs.

they go to the kitchen and see mr. and mrs. weasley. mrs. weasley sees hermione crying and asks her, "what is wrong?" hermione is still crying and tears splashing down her of her dress and she replies, "i just found out that my parents were killed by death eaters. it was today's daily prophet. read for self." hermione hands mrs. weasley the copy of today's daily prophet and mrs. weasley read the font page headline called: "MASS OF MUGGLES MURDERED" and sees that hermione's parents names are in the paper. she looks at and hands to her husband. mr. weasley reads it for himself then he says to hermione, "i am so very so that parents died. i met them and they were so very nice." mrs. weasley is to asgast for words. she is in shock. she is remembering when her brothers were killed by death eaters. mr. weasley says to his wife, "molly, are you all right dear?" mrs. weasley looks very pale. then she replies, "i remembered when my brothers died. i lost my only daughter. now the death eaters are striking again."

mrs. weasley heard the tragic news of hermione's parents. it brings up the past. she passes out. mr. weasley says, "molly, wake up!" she doesn't respond to him. mr. weasley says to ron, "go get your mother a cold wash cloth." ron does what he told and goes to kitchen sink and turns on the water wets the wash cloth. he brings it his father. mr. weasley drabs molly's face. molly starts to stir. she wakes up in her husbands arms with everybody watching her own the floor of kitchen. she is weak and shaking. arthur says to ron, "can you get your mother some water to drink?" ron goes and gets a glass of water for his mother to drink. he pours the water out tap and gives it to his mother to drink. she drinks it very slowly. hermione says, "mrs. weasley, are you okay?" mrs. wealsey replies, "no! i am not!"
__________________________________________________ ________________

it has been two weeks since harry came back to weasleys. mrs. weasley is still in shock over the murders of hermione's parents. hermione leaves with ron to go her parents funeral. harry, danielle, lily, ron, and hermione, all leave for the funeral. ron says, "hermione, i know just lost your parents to the death eaters. i want you to know i always love you. i never showed when we went to school together." harry is miserable as ever. he has been trying to find a way to stop voldermort from coming back. he puts a spell on his to daughters before he leaves so no one can harm them when they are with at the funeral with him. harry has lily in one arm and ron has danielle in his arm. theyset off for the funeral. hermione says to harry and ron, "we better watch ourselves because there are death eaters waiting to come and attack us the moment we step put of the house." harry looks at hermione. harry says, "you are right hermione. i better use the spell that i used the babies on us, so the death eaters can't find us and torture us. i don't want my daughters used in voldermort's return to power. remember how lives he had taken." hermione and ron nod in agreement. they set off to for london, where hermione's parents were going to buried.

mrs. weasley became depressed. she wouldn't eat she refused food and hardly slept a wink. she kept playing the images of the boggart in sirius's house in harry's 5th year. her daughter dead she just couldn't take no more.

harry, ron, hermione, and the twins left for london. while all this was happening to mrs. weasley. everyone of them caught the knight bus to london. they aren't apparating it would cause some question with hermione's family.

harry stuck out his wand and singaled the knight bus to them to london. the knight bus got there at the burrow. ernie prang, the driver, still drove the bus welcomed them on. he helped harry, ron and hermione with their trunks. harry pays for the trip to london. harry, hermione, ron, lily, and danielle board the bus. they take their seats with spell that harry put on them to keep voldermort's followers stealing the twins and using their blood to revive their master back to power. the trip was long. the bus ride scared the babies and harry and ron had to calm them down.

ernie said, " 'arry potter, i have seen you since you where in your 5th year. i said , 'that boy will defeat the dark lord. look at those little girls! are they yours 'arry?" harry says, "yes, both these little girls. this one in my arms is danielle and the one in ron weasley's arms is lily. we better get moving soon hermione's parents died. i married ginny weasley after the downfall of voldermort. she died giving birth to our daughters."

harry has a tears coming down his face. ernie says, "to london then?"
harry says, "yes!" the knight bus was off.
harry, hermione, ron, and harry's daughter's, lily and danielle arrive in london for the funeral by the knight bus. hermione is upset when they get there. she sees the rest of her family and she introduces harry, ron, lily, and danielle to them. hermione says a few about her mother and father. she has tears running down her cheeks.

she stops speaking because she is choked from the tears, so hot, burning down her face. ron gets up from his chair to comfort her. he lends his arm around her to cry on. hermione says while she is crying to ron, "let us leave." she is so distraght that she doesn't know where she is going.

ron has to stop her before she does something stupid. hermione losing her pushed her over the edge. she is depressed. ron sees different hermione than the one he knows. she looks like she has had souls suck out by a dementor. hermione wants revenge on the person responsible for killing her parents. ron and harry wouldn't let because they don't want her going to azkaban prison.
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