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Old 07-29-2006, 08:31 PM   #22 (permalink)
Ooooh... shiny!
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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Hm thaught I posted here. ah well

Name: Krista Dominigue Versailles
Age: 16
Year: 6th


To Krista's Family, Krista is a young annoying sister who just seems to always get in the way. But krista is a really nice girl. She can be annoying but shes funny and loves to have a good time. She can have mood swings, and when she does its best to stay away. Krista tries to keep happy face even tho so much bad has happened in her life. She easy to get along with, so don't be afraid to talk to her.

1 older brother- Ryan
1 twin sister- Regina

Krista grew up with her 2 brothers and 2 sisters, a mom and dad. But what they didn't know was their mother was a death eater, she was ent to kill their family. while out of the house their mother kileld both there oldest brother and oldest sister. They lived with there father for awhile till he was killed. they moved to a uncles house till they started Hogwarts, and since then thy have ben moving around from family member to family member. Krista has suffered alot in her life, the death of her siblings, her father, then the death of her first love.

Name: Krista (same name differnt last name)
Age: 13
Profession: student. 8th grade!

<<yeah yeah thats me. know laughing.

Personality: just like my character, seriously. except my life isn't so tragic as my charries is.

History: I live with my mother, sister, and 3 dogs, 2 rats, 3 cats. I live in NY. I go To middle school. and im so Harry potter obsest it's scary. lol. of course if I wasn't why would I be here, i love to hang with my friends, internet, draw, dance, write.
//Can't escape this line of best fit;;

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