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Old 07-29-2006, 02:18 AM   #172 (permalink)
Red-head Ginny Fan
James' Pranks
K.o. Lupin's Loyalty
HPlover_09's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Sitting........On the rocky coast of nose burried in a novel.
Posts: 903

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Katie Weasley

Hey Ashlyn! I'm posting! *madtackleglomps*

And *smooches* from Nate!

Oh, that was a bad idea! Nate just broke Mrs. China Bowl! *punches Nate back*! I shouldn't have said that....... but oh well!

Originally Posted by gisele
hey katie

Don't worry about your story being sad or anything, I still like it and it's what intrigues your readers. As for being OOC, this post was really good in regards to it. I especially liked the tonks/remus interaction at the start.

have fun in canada!

Thanks! This next post is happy, and a bit silly, so I hope you like it!

Originally Posted by evlpez
Guys. This is a fan fiction thread, not your personal chat thread. I'll have to clean this up and remove all the off-topic posts, which is a bit of unnecessary work for me.

PLEASE remember the rules and be respectful enough not to spam your friends' Fan Fiction threads. If this thread gets spammy again, I'll have to have it removed, and that's no fun.


Oh, I'm so sorry about that! Ok, no more spamming people! It would be really bad if this fic was deleted! Especially since, I threw away my old computer...........meaning I don't have the first 19 chapters saved.

Originally Posted by padfoot_rox93
Poor Zach *sighs* It was a little weird, though, seeing everyone cry, including Sirikins. I never thought he was much of a cryer, but oh well, it doesn't matter, since it's your fic. So yeah, awesome post! PAMS!!!
No, it does matter what you think! You are an awesome writer! Please don't only say compliments! I love constructive criticism! It helps make my story better! I swear, I'm not going to hurt anyone if they make a sugesstion!

Chapter 24: Oh Happy Days! ( I know...... the title is a little weird, but I couldn't think of anything else)

Things were very subdued at the Potter Mansion. They had buried Zachary a week previously, in the Potter Family Cemetery, right outside of Godric’s Hallow. James and Lily were still in mourning over their baby boy.

It broke Vi and Camey’s hearts to see their friends in so much pain. So, they hatched up a plan. At 8 in the morning they stormed into James and Lily’s room, with breakfast in hand.

“Wazzgoinon?” James asked sleepily.

“We have made you breakfast. You are going to eat it, get dressed, and then we are taking Lily out for a day of fun/shopping. James, you are going to stay here and clean with the guys,” Camey stated.

“Hey why don’t I get a day of fun?” James asked, rumpling his hair.

“Do you want to go shopping with us James?” Vi asked.

“And watch us try on millions of out-fits?” Camey added.

“No way in hell!” James replied.

“Good! Then you can stay here,” Camey said.

Lily began to object but James spoke up. “No, Lily it’s fine. I was just kidding; you deserve a day out with the girls.”

Again, she began to object.

“Lily Anne Potter!” Camey exclaimed, “You are coming out with us, whether you like it or not!”

Lily realized that it would be pointless to argue; so after eating breakfast, she changed her clothes, and met the girls downstairs.


While wiping off the counter, Sirius turned to Remus. “Why are we cleaning?”

“Because it would be nice of you to help out, for once,” Remus answered.

“But cleaning isn’t fun!” Sirius whined.

“Honestly Padfoot! When are you going to start acting your age?” James asked.

“What! Did you honestly just say that! We are only 19! And I would expect Moony to say something like that! Not you! What’s happened to you, Prongs?” Sirius asked.

“I dunno; I grew-up, I guess,” James said quietly.

“What’s so great about being grown-up, anyway?” Sirius asked, indignantly.

“Padfoot, you are just like Peter Pan!” Remus exclaimed.

“Peter who? Do I know him? ”

“Never mind,” Remus answered, “It would take to long to explain.”


“Lu-Lu!” Hallie and Harry cried.

Remus came running over, “What is it?”

“Radio!” Hallie demanded, while Harry softly asked, “Radio, please.”

Sirius raced down the stairs. “I heard them yelling. What’s the matter?”

Remus chuckled. “They just want to listen to the radio,” Remus replied.

“Do you know how to work it?” James asked, taking the radio into the kitchen. “Lily’s always the one to use it.”

“Of course I do! My mother is a muggle, remember?” Remus asked.

“Oh yeah!” Sirius said, remembering the one week he had spent at Remus’s house.

After fiddling with it for a moment, the music started to play. The toddlers happily bounced along to the music, while Sirius, Remus, and James went back to the chores. Remus washing the dishes, James drying, and Sirius mopping the floor.

Then, My Girl by The Temptations began to play; and even though it was a muggle song, they all magically knew the words.

Not many people knew that the marauders (except Peter) could sing very well.

James softly began the first verse:

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.
When it's cold outside I've got the month of May.
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

Being funny, Sirius picked up his mop and sang the second verse into the handle:

I've got so much honey the bees envy me.
I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees.
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

A lyrical pause came, and Sirius and James went to their children.

“May I have this dance m’ladies?” James asked Hallie and Hannah. Hallie giggled at her godfather's silliness. Hannah simply looked at her father like he was crazy.

Harry clapped his hands, and called for Sirius. "Paddy! I want dance!" Harry said.

"Okay, Harry," Sirius replied, chuckling. "We can dance."

Sirius and James twirled and whirled the children around to the music.

Remus, who was the most talented singer, out of the three, sang the next verse.

I don't need no money, fortune, or fame.
I've got all the riches baby one man can claim.
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

The three marauders sang the last verse in unison; Harry and Hallie giggled and hummed along. Hannah just watched, thinking, "What in the world are these crazy people doing?"

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
with my girl.
I've even got the month of May
with my girl (fade)

Suddenly applause broke out! Vi, Camey, and Lily stood there clapping, and Camey was holding her camera. The girls had been watching, and taking pictures of the whole thing!

“Since when have you guys been able to sing?” Camey asked, teasingly.

Remus just laughed, and pulled his fiancé into a tight hug.

“Sirius, I thought Remmy was the musical one,” Vi said with a smirk.

Sirius scowled, and then a look of vengeance crossed his face. “Why don’t you sing for us Vi?”

To shut him up, Vi pulled him into a lengthy kiss.

“I thought it was wonderful!” Lily exclaimed, taking Hannah from James. “You should sing more often! The children sure loved it.”

“And risk getting teased by the flowers?!?” Sirius exclaimed. “I don’t think so.”

At dinner, Vi even, jokingly, suggested they form a singing group! They all laughed for hours. It had been the first happy day, for the marauders and flowers, in a long while.

So what do you think? Anyone? I'm packing for Canada! So, no new posts for a week! Sorry! *waves goodbye*
~Katie and Nathan (The Current Weasley Twins)~
"Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts." - unknown.
"Piper, this is completely illegal!" -Leo Wyatt, Charmed
"Yeah? Well, so is marrying a dead guy, okay? [She holds up his death certificate] Let's not get technical now!" -Piper Halliwell, Charmed.

Last edited by HPlover_09; 02-21-2007 at 05:20 AM.
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