Dear Andi,
As you can see from the shining badge on Nikolai's chest, he has been made prefect of his house. Now...despite what you said about my parenting skills, I think that is testament enough that I am not as horrible as you made me out to be.
I feel robbed of the time we could have spent together at Diagon Alley during the summer. Perhaps you would like to meet me at Hogsmeade Village one day?
- Andrei V.
By the end of dinner, Andi's mashed potatoes had been more gravy than actual potatos. The sauce covered a multitude of threats, mostly as juvenile as
May a flying cow swoop down and squash you, Vannacutt,
Die, Vannacutt DIE,
Down with Vannacutt and so on and so forth.
Andi unfolded the letter for the umpteenth time and stared at it, feeling the color bleed up her neck and into her face. She started to scribble an answer, a scowl growing on her face as she wrote, the quill practically stabbing through the paper --
Then the first student burst in without knocking.
hi professor u teachin today said james as he walked around the room
Andi raised her eyebrows at the boy. "No, quite obviously I am not, don't touch anything or I'll smash your teeth out and stuff them into your eyes." Her eyes swept over the crowd of students milling in her room and suddenly her gaze was like a whip and colder than black ice. She dealt with them one by one, with a few sharply polite words.
Markie entered the Charms classroom, excited that she was finally able to be there in person! Charms was the class that she was most excited to take, and said in a rushed, yet happy, voice, "Hello professor. My name is Markie. I am very excited to take your class!"
eliza walked in "hello professor.my name is eliza longbottom-finnagan and i just want to tell you i am very excited to be doing charms."
Becky walked into the classroom "hello im becky...you've probably heard this a lot already but im excited to be starting charms"
Nick walks into the Office. "Hello! My name is Mr.Nick Longdo. I can't wait to start Charms with you!"
"How very nice for you," said Andi quietly. "Would it trouble you to perhaps... knock on the door, persay? I will most likely see all of you in class, and this is
not a good way to start the term." Her voice was like ice, soft and silken and burning cold.
Brianna walked into the office and she looked around. This seemed exactly how she pictured it. She turned to the Professor and said "Hi, I'm Brianna Katelyn Evans and I'm a first year Ravenclaw and I thought I'd tell you that I am very excited to start Charms and I will try my best".
"Thank you for that promise, I will certainly hold you to it," said Andi with a sharp little nod as she stared down at her parchment again, then wadded it up and tossed it away into her dustbin without looking.
Kally walked in and said "hi professor how was your summer??"
Andi glanced at Vannacutt's letter and scowled. "No business of yours," she said briskly. "Kindly go and bore someone else with your vapid idiocy." Andi wouldn't have been so rude normally, but the girl had certainly touched a nerve.
Jacques entered the office as quietly as possible. He saw that he was not the only student who had come to visit, so he waited his turn and looked at the interesting pictures on the walls.
When it was his turn to speak he said "Hello Professor, I hope your summer was good. I was just wondering when the first class would be? I'm so looking forward to it", looking into the professors eyes and smiling.
Ariana wlked slowly into the classroom, and gazed in wonder. She went up to th professors desk, trying not to look nervous and said in a clear tone, "Hi, my name is Ariana and I"m really interested in charms. There's so much you can do with them it's amazing!" she smiled warmly at the professor.
Andi looked up at the french boy and the girl, noticing with approval that he waited his turn and didn't appear to be trying to take the leather off some of her books - until he mentioned summer. Andi twitched. "The first class will be when I decide it to be," she said with a little grimace. "I trust I will see you there then." She nodded at them, dismissively.
A few girls had already left, probably due to the look on Andi's face and the steadily more menacing tones of her voice.
James pushed against the heavily scared door and treads into Professor Zizhen's office. He walked unconciously towards her desk, staring ar the pictures aligned on the walls.
"Hello Proessor," said politely. "I just wanted to know if you'll be teaching anything 'challenging'." he smiled as he put a strong emphasis on the word "challenging."
Andi steepled her fingers and studied the boy for a while. "Those who understand will find it challenging," she said finally and cryptically. "Those who think it easy are the ones who will never learn. I don't teach you how to wave your wand and blow yourself up. I teach you how to think with some modicum of reason."
Irritably, she looked back down at her parchment and started to reply properly to Nikolai's --censoredcensoredcensored-- of a father.
Dear Andrei,
She rubbed that off fast.
Dear Vannacutt, yes, gloat why don't you. I highly suspect you bribed the headmistress - and if you did it to impress me with your also highly suspect parenting skills, I'm not convinced.
Andi paused for a long moment, then wrote in a hurry, almost with her eyes closed like she didn't want to see what she was doing:
I'm free next Hogsmeade weekend we can discuss this further there. Yours, Andi.