The fantabulous return of Briam !! Briam sat up. Coughing and spluttering he tried to focus on Willett and where he was. He's head was spinning. "I'll bet you'll think twice before taking on an entire clan of vampires huh?" "Shut up Willett." came Braim's sharp reply. Willett supressed a laugh. "Forgive me for not taking you seriously here Briam. But I find it hard to believe you can stop from me doing anything right now," "yeah about that" said Briam. "Is there any reason you havent given it to me yet?"
Willett smiled. "My dear Briam" Willett said sneakily "Whatever can you mean" Briam shot him an evil look. "You know exactley what I mean Willett, and I swear if you dont give it to me soon I will hurt you."
Willett laughed. "An empty threat Briam. I have something you want. You wont want to harm your chances of getting it. I am perfectly safe. And you know it. Now what do you want to know exactley?" And so Briam filled Willett in on the death of Rosa, the society and the vampires responsible for ruining his life. Finally, nodding Willett pulled out a small tube that contained a bright blue liquid."You know what this will do Briam. I understand your problem. I can't help you now, but you will hear from me. Good luck my friend." And handing Briam back his wand and the blue liquid, he turned and vanished into the darkenss. Briam pulled out the cork of the tube and put it to his mouth. He felt light headed suddenly. He smiled. Briam knew that meant the potion was working. It wasnt the first time he'd taken this antidote. He felt abit stronger. Standing up and stretching, he almost feel over. Moving away from a pile of old bannana peels, he made his way to back outside the dump and he closed his eyes. Mustering up the last of his new found strength he apparated back to the mansion. He went to knock on the big door, but as he climbed up the steps, the exhaustion caught up with him and collasped where he was and snored.
...those who love us never really leave us... thanks to iamoscar 4 the siggie!!! |