Rosalie Kaitlyn Hale Age/Year: 13/2nd Appearance:  Pets: She has one cat named Solena. Solena is black with green eyes. Her fur has orange striped patches that blend in with the black. Her nose is orange, as are her paws.
Rosalie also has a snowy owl named Celesta. She decided that snowy owls look like ghosts when they fly around, Celesta is after the Greek angel of death. History/Family: Her father is a huge follower of Voldemortist. At one point he was running from the ministry. He and his wife fled to the United States, and took over an old cotton plantation. He modified the memory of the old woman that lived there, who told everyone he was her son. They later killed the woman and took over her home completely.
Though against all things muggle, Mr. Hale managed to upkeep the cotton platnation, much to the dismay of his only child (Rosalie). Rosalie is highly allergic to cotton. Breathing it in will cause her throat to swell, and wearing it makes her break out into hives. Their home has a special ventilator in it, and Rosalie is forced to spend nine months out of twelve inside. (hobbies) She spends much of her time in the library, reading. She got bored and taught herself to speak German over the years. Though her knowledge of the language is, however, limited. When she’s not reading, she is taking dance lessons. Her mother hires people to come to their home and give her daughter lessons. She loves to do all forms of dance. Her favorite is Ballet and Ballroom.
Her mother also enjoys using her daughter to flaunt their money. Much to the dismay of Rosalie, her birthday is an event where they invite the entire town to see her prance around in a lavish gown, which she usually loathes from the deepest part of her heart. Her robes and other clothing are special ordered to be made of fabrics of no Cotton.
__________________ “Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be.
But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” Marti Adele Carter Werewolf Support Services - Cambri Mikaila Hale 14 Slytherin
Last edited by Mafia Leader B; 08-06-2006 at 10:02 PM.