Thread: Forever...
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Old 07-26-2006, 12:52 PM   #661 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: gosh do you really need to know such information,ok.ill tell you, but dont tell anyone i live on....
Posts: 173

ooc-great then. oh and i pm'd you the bio.

minera bit her lip..." was kinda not going to tell him." she transformed back into her usuall weak self.
sheeva stumbled out of bed, she grabbed for support, but just grabbed the dolly of of the nightstand, and pulled everything off of it hitting her head. "*insert swear word of your choice here.*" she got up and searched for the door. "oh my god its not here....oh here it is." she walked down the hallway, but she fell over something mumbling incinities about mudblood's "KREACHER! get out of my way." hearing talking in the ever so quiet house sheeva went down to the kitchen. she pushed on the swinging door,but it wouldnt budge, so she slammed the door, and it went flying open. she stepped in the kitchen and saw draco and danielle, they looked really happy together."hi guy......" BAM the door came back and hit her smack in the face. sending her flying out into the parlor, and runnig into harry who was taking guard. he helped her up,"thanks, oh i tripped over kreacher upstairs, do you have him doing something?" he had a confused look. "no, i dont. i'll go check. oh dangit, i'll do it later, im still on guard, till thorn comes down." "o.k, g'night. "she reached up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. she walked back into the kitchen, "hey guys,wuts up? accio phelofel. " a waffle filled with eggs and bacon came out of the oven steaming hott, and jumped onto her plate. "whats that?" sheeva said looking at thier food. "a crate" draco said showing danielle how to make them. "whats a crate? anyway, where have you been draco? you kind of just dissapeared."
all i see in green, greenday junkie, yep thats me.
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