Originally Posted by Ashlyn
OMG!! I loved this post!!! Hehe!! I liked the Ginny part best... Its so nice to see Ginny and Harry together even if it isnt 'official' I wonder what Hermione and Ron are gonna say when they find out Harry is going back to school... PAMS!!! I loved it!! Thanks Ashlyn! You're so sweet!
Originally Posted by Lili
good post!!!!! I loved it and Ginny's plan worked!!!! I would say more, but I don't have time. PAMS!!!
Yes it did! Don't worry about not saying too much, I understand! Ha ha!
Originally Posted by Katie
That was awesome! PAMSOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll post soon, just don't die! Ha ha!
Originally Posted by Cassie
I'm Cassie and I am a new reader! I love all of you're Harry/Ginny moments more than ROn/Hermione and i'm a stronger Ron/Hermione shipper
Please post more of you're lovely FF soon!

I love new readers! Yay! Ha ha! Yes, the Harry/Ginny moments are great! I'm glad you like it!
Originally Posted by Puja
yay! harry and ginny! yay!
i agree w/ ginny. harry should go back 2 hogwarts. and it's actually pretty funny that hermione doesn't no that harry is going 2, and thinking that she and ron a bad friends! i wanna c her reaction!
post sommore! don't worry, i'm not rushing u!
-Puja aka M#5
I thought you might like that post Puja! Ha ha! I'll post soon!
Originally Posted by Jen<3Weasleys
Ohh I'm glad Harry is going back to Hogwarts!! Awesome post
Thank you uhh....mind if I call you Jen, it's much easier to write. Ha ha!
Originally Posted by Laura Bora!
Harry and Ginny! Yay! Harry is so sweet, he's going back to Hogwarts just to be with Ginny. Awwwww! Hermione's in for a surprise. Hee hee! Please post Cai! PAMS PAMS PAMS PAMS!!!!

I put the whole 'I'll go back for you' thing for you Laura! Ha ha! I'll post soon, I promise!
<3 Cai