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Old 07-20-2006, 06:37 PM   #105 (permalink)
Red-head Ginny Fan
James' Pranks
K.o. Lupin's Loyalty
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Sitting........On the rocky coast of nose burried in a novel.
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Katie Weasley

Hey! I'm keeping my promise! Here's the post:

Chapter 20: A Bad Day For Babies

About a week had passed and things were going back to normal…… except for James. He seemed bound and determined to be as kind and helpful as he could be; and truth be told, he was getting on Lily’s nerves.

Lily liked to do household chores the muggle way (for some strange reason). She was sitting at the table, folding the laundry, when James sat down and immediately tried to help.

He began to fold the clothes, in an extremely strange fashion.

“James,” Lily said.

He didn’t answer and continued his attempt at folding.

“James!” Lily called.

“Just a minute,” he said, really having no luck with the folding.

“JAMES!” Lily shouted.

James put down the laundry and looked up in surprise. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Honey,” Lily said, “No offense, but you suck at folding.”

James looked hurt. “I was just trying to help.”

“I know,” Lily said kindly, “And I appreciate the thought, but I can do it on my own.”

“Ok,” James nodded.

“But you can do one thing for me,” Lily replied.


“Go back to being your normal, immature self.”

James smiled, “Ok!”


The next morning, Lily woke up at 5 am and rushed to the bathroom; she spent about an hour throwing up.

“I hate morning sickness!” she muttered to herself as she walked towards the stairs.

When she passed Camey’s room, she heard Camey bawling. Lily gently opened the door, and saw Vi holding Camey as she cried.

“Did we wake you?” Vi asked.

Lily shook her head. “What happened?”

Through her cries, Camey managed to say, “Baby” and “miscarriage”.

“Oh my!” Lily exclaimed, “You were pregnant?!?”

Camey was to hysterical to answer, so Violet nodded her head.

“Why didn’t anyone tell me?”

“Well……” Vi answered “You weren’t hear when we found out.”

“Oh,” Lily replied, “Do the guys know?”

“No,” Camey said, “and please don’t tell them. I don’t want them to know…….. they would tell Remus.”

“Don’t you think Remus has a right to know?” Vi asked.

“He’d be so disappointed, that we lost the baby,” Camey said, “It’s best if he doesn’t know.”

“Ok,” they agreed.

Trying to cheer everyone up, Lily said, “Well, why don’t you two see if you can get some more sleep. I’m going to make pancakes, and I’ll bring them up in an hour.”


James bounced down the stairs and saw the remains of pancakes. "Where are my pancakes?" he asked jokingly.

"James!" Lily exclaimed, “What a wonderful way to greet someone! No 'Good morning Lily', no kiss, no 'how are you feeling today?'!"

"I'm sorry sweetheart. 'How are you feeling this morning?'" James asked, with a smile. "Now, where are my pancakes?"

Lily's expression was one of pure loathing. "JAMES HENRY POTTER! I was up three hours ago, puking my guts out! And you have the nerve to come in and mock me!?! How dare you! I am the one carrying your baby, and I have a toddler to take care of! You have any idea how exhausting that is! I have had it with you! You are so immature! I'm going back to bed! So if you want the damn pancakes, you can make them yourself!"

Lily raced out of the room, and James chased her. "Lils, I'm sorry. I was just joking! You should know that! And of course I'm stupid and immature, isn't that why you love me?" James asked, with a goofy smile.

Lily started to cry, “I wish that you would be a little more understanding sometimes!" She raced up to the bathroom, and locked the door.

Sirius, Camey, and Vi had been listening from the other room. They walked in, to find James looking hurt and shocked, at the bottom of the stairs. Camey went up the stairs, to check on Lily.

James looked at Violet. “Why is she so upset? She told me to go back to being my immature self!”

Vi looked at him with sympathy. “James, you are dealing with a pregnant woman; everything you do from now, until she gives birth, will probably make her hate you and then cry.”

“Great!” James said sarcastically.

The three of them raced upstairs, as a shrill scream came from the bathroom.
~Katie and Nathan (The Current Weasley Twins)~
"Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts." - unknown.
"Piper, this is completely illegal!" -Leo Wyatt, Charmed
"Yeah? Well, so is marrying a dead guy, okay? [She holds up his death certificate] Let's not get technical now!" -Piper Halliwell, Charmed.

Last edited by HPlover_09; 02-18-2007 at 05:11 PM.
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