ooc:: hey!! i went camping too!
time for Briam to bail i think..... As Briam stood on one knee, with his sleeve rolled up. He saw the look of hunger in the leaders eye. Suddenly the hall was quiet again. Everyone was waiting to see what Willett would do. Briam was a little scared. There were several factors that could change everything. He knew vampires had the ability to bite victims and in turn change them into vampires, but only if intended. The leader could easily bite Briam and change him into a vampire, and Briam wouldnt have a choice. With a shudder Briam remember the prisons he glismped at years ago. Tied up in their cells, left alive only yo be bitten time and time again. Eventually the blood they produced turned rotten, and they were put to death. Most of them welcomed that fate. These vampires were ruthless. Briam was only counting on the decency on one who was once his leader, not to do anything dangerous.
He held his breath and waited patiently. Sweat began to clump at the back of is neck. Willett lowered his head towards Briams."Is this a trick Briam? Have you poisoned yourself somehow?" "No" said Briam quietly. "This is a fair trade. I give you some of my blood, you give me enough information to hunt a vampire."
At these words Willett shuddered, as if suddenly cold. As a leader, Briam knew he looked out for his family. He was not usually one to betray others. Willett was a decent vampire.
As Willett continued the debate within his head, and everyone watched silently, there was sudden movement. One of the younger vampires who had been watching Briam intently was fighting the urge to run up and bite him. After it looked at though Willett may not give in to the blood, the temptation became overwhelming. Running forward and extending out his fangs, he ran all the way and bit Briam on the bicep.
For the second time there was pandemonuem (sp). In the chaos the young vampire was joined by several others to eager to taste blood to let Briam walk out. Briam screamed as he felt 4 different sets of fangs pierce his legs and thighs. Willett was on his feet screaming to stop, but more and more vampires were fighting to get a bite. Briams blood was spilling everywhere, and he was fast getting dizzy. Trying to ignore the stabbing pains from hundreds of bites, he focused on gettin his wand. Just as he grabbed from inside his shirt a vampire grabbed his hand and bit through it. Briam screamed as a fang went through his hand, his wand flung away, out of reach. The pain became overwhelming, and Briam was slowly losing the energy to kick and struggle. He felt his foot connect with a vampires head in one vicious kick, but soon his foot was bitten and his brain began to lose consciousness.
Just before Briam passed out, there was a bang. An explosion sent the vampires scattering in all directions. Briam turned to see most morph into bats and fly out of the hall. He looked up at the figure holding his wand. He felt his shirt being ripped open, and he felt it being tightened around his leg, where the bleeding was the worst. He grinned slyishly at the shadow above him and then he passed out.
Briam woke only by the chill of the night air outside. The haze of colours slowly came into focus, and he recognised the dump that concealed the hidden entrance into the vampires secret lair. He was no longer bleeding, and the worst of his wounds were badly bandaged, but he was in teribble pain. His recuser pulled him till he was sitting up and he leaned over to his left and vommited. Then he felt his wand being slowly pushed into his hand. He slowly stared down at the wand in his hand, noticing the bite marks on his hands, and the blackish colour of his veins. Then he turned his gaze back to the figure standing over him. He slowly let a tear leak out of his eye, and run down his cheek. He had almost died. He tried to speak but he vommitted again. Finally he licked the inside of his mouth and grunted hoarsly. "Thanks Willett. You saved my life."
...those who love us never really leave us... thanks to iamoscar 4 the siggie!!! |