Thread: Forever...
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Old 07-18-2006, 01:36 PM   #643 (permalink)
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[COLOR=Pink]Sheeva ran over and hugged lupin "im glad that your o.k. i suppose danielle is resting?" lupin shook his head. "here let me show you whats been going on." she walked lupin through the halls, telling him of all the enchantments, and she issued orders, to confused looking witches and wizards. "oh and remus," sheeva looked down,"briam, he's gone, i dont know where he is, i cant skry him, i cant feel his precence anywhere, i'm afraid that voldemort got him. and my parents!! what am i going to do about my parents." sheeva told lupin about seeing her parents in the skull. and told him how exatcly rosa had died,and how danielles aunt had infilltrated the mansion holding briam hostage. and how much she wanted to kill her for it. "i've never wanted to kill before lupin, but i swear, if she sets foot in my house, ill blast her into oblivion", and i hope that someone can knock voldemort out of his body, after all harry is still looking for the horcruxes."[/COLOR]


voldemort looked at carolynn, she had morphed into at least eight diffrent people. he stood up and left minera sitting where she was. "carolynn? what just happend? i think that you should be with me and A.J. when we storm the mansion, that is a very powerfull gift."
all i see in green, greenday junkie, yep thats me.
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