Originally Posted by Roshni
is that really orios. that last bit made me suspicious. why wud he leave with just lupin? death eaters using polyjuice potion??? omg!!! i'm really suspicious. u must post like extremely soon.
Hehe, I wonder. Maybe it's really Voldemort saving his sould from the good guys. We'll never know.
Originally Posted by Latinhottie13
Why does it matter if someone realizes they are missing. Why go alone, why take the locket and not destroy it now! You really are just drawing me in arn't you. *eyes* But he is scary. . . *hids behind you*
Maybe Voldemort will realise. For all we know, he could be a student in the school, look at the RP. *draws you in*
Originally Posted by OtterySt.Catchpole
Post when you can Ali, we know you're busy. Just don't quit this fic, okay? I haven't.
I'm thinking of doing the opposite. I planned to make this last one year, started it on my birthday. I hope to end it then too. There's only around two chapters left.
Originally Posted by Fortune Cookie
He took it with him, eh? *more shiftiness* I'm not sure I like the sound of that.
Neither do I
but a death eater's got to do what a death eaters got to do.
I feel really feel bad about not posting, but will definately post tonight. Even if it means writing all night
Well, anything that starts has to finish, doesn't it?