Hall of Readers for this thread (idea by Laura) Hey everyone! I decided to make a Hall of Readers because my friend Laura told me to. When I tallied up all the posts, I realized I had a lot of readers so I had to make a Hall of Readers for it! I just wanted to say Thanks! for reading my FF and supporting it! You guys are the best!
<3 Cai P.S. - You want to know the funny thing.....there are no Slytherins. Ha Ha! P.P.S. - For those of you in which I put your member name, it's because I don't know what to call you. If you have a real name that you would like me to call you by, please tell me.
In order by posts: Puja - 10 Laura - 9 oja - 6 Lili - 5 Hibbah - 4 carmu - 4 beergit - 2 Madfish - 2 Mione - 2 whende - 1 tatewin - 1 Parvati_Patil55 - 1 Luna Potter - 1 Ashlyn - 1 FLEUR - 1 springbaby - 1 Brit - 1 HPlover_09 - 1 |