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Old 07-11-2006, 03:12 AM   #440 (permalink)
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Rune Krause

Originally Posted by Ali
*trys to make you happy* I'm sowwy, I didnt mean it but Orios is another person I've written something in the next post to make your suspisions heighten,
*shnuggles you* It's fine, I guess it's fine if you didn't mean to. Orios is another person??? ZOMG, really. . . *reads*

“Well, I think it’s time for us to return to Hogwarts, before anyone realises we are missing. I shall deal with this and you shall go to your lessons as normal.” Orios said looking at the teenagers. He instantly disappeared with Remus Lupin, taking the locket with him.
Why does it matter if someone realizes they are missing. Why go alone, why take the locket and not destroy it now! You really are just drawing me in arn't you. *eyes* But he is scary. . . *hids behind you*

Dance is in your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing.
Its the rhythm of your life. Its the expression in time and movement.
In happiness, joy, sadness, and envy.
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