The whole group let out a sigh of relief as they realised what was laid in front of them. It had been nearly one year since the previous headmaster, Albus Dumbledore died trying to get the locket. And now, it was placed in front of them.
Sirius stretched his arm out, picking up the locket. He tried to open it, but it was sealed shut.
“It doesn’t need opening, just destroying.” Orios said with a strange look in his eye. “Hand it here.”
Sirius handed the locket over to the headmaster and picked up the pendant which Harry had dropped.
“So they still are working?” He asked Remus.
“Just as well as before, even better. Before they were used for fun but now it’s helping as well. All teachers have one, a sort of quick way to communicate with each other. Even people in the order have them; maybe we could pass it along to the D.A. What do you think, Harry?”
“Yeah, it would probably work.” Harry said, eyes fixed on the locket held in Orios’ hands.
“Well, I think it’s time for us to return to Hogwarts, before anyone realises we are missing. I shall deal with this and you shall go to your lessons as normal.” Orios said looking at the teenagers. He instantly disappeared with Remus Lupin,
taking the locket with him.
They had finally finished the search, but the time to fight was beginning.
Might be able to get s'more written. No idea when though