Resident Movie Critic Sphinx
Join Date: Nov 2004 Location: al'taieu.
Posts: 47,895
| It's about to be a what? A FIIIGHT Seelow ☆ Overnight Celebrity ☆ Perky! ☆ Harley Quinn Quote:
Originally Posted by parvatifan Sebastian turned around, while waiting for his drink, only to spot Francesca standing in the Leaky Cauldron. "What are you doing here?" he shouted across the room. What a way to start out his day. Quote:
Originally Posted by Naaabs Nik turned to the voice that was shouting at them and glared hard at the guy. He held Fran still beside him, they would hold their ground and make the guy come to them. When he did, Nik looked down at him and smirked, "I see the lesson we gave you did not stick. Where are your manners?" Quote:
Originally Posted by umm yall know Francesca twitched at the sound of that voice. She knew that voice way too well. Sebastian. That kid asks some of the dumbest questions. I swear! She was held down by Nik as Sebastian made his way towards the two. She knew they'd cross paths again this term but she didn't know that it would be so soon. Rolling her eyes she glared at Sebastian and snorted.
"That's a dumb question to ask! You have obviously not learned anything since we last met. You're still dense as a rock."
Making a scene was Francesca's life. She could do it in any public place of her choosing and she could do it in any way she chose. They couldn't use magic here so this would probably turn into a fist fight. Quote:
Sebastian snorted and looked at Nik. "I have no idea what you're talking about. All I know is that she-", he pointed at Fran, -"hexed me last year and almost gave me amnesia, yet doesn't feel sorry for it. She's a," he stopped, deciding not to finish the statement.
Nik growled and stepped up to Sebastian, grabbing him by the collar and raising him off the floor by an inch or so. "What were you going to call her?" He hissed out at the rude snit.
"Excuse me!? What were you going to say to me?" Francesca said angrily as Nik picked up Sebastian off the floor. She kinda figured what he was going to say to her since she was pretty smart at filling in the blanks to an insult. She whispered what he was going to call her in Nik's ear and gave Sebastian a hard slap to the face.
"You don't call people that. You don't even THINK about calling people that. For your information, my cousin is one of those, not me."
Quote: Sebastian was barely fazed by Fran's slap, he was more interested in Nik at the moment. He grimmaced and pushed his legs upward, kneeing Nik in the groin. When Nik dropped him, he stood up and looked at Fran. "You should be grateful I didn't harm you on the train." Quote:
Nik groaned and rolled to the floor. "That was low! How would you like it to happen to you?" He practically shouted as he wrapped a hand around one of Sebastian's ankles and pulled so he fell on the ground beside him. Nik launched himself on top of Sebastian and kneed him in the groin with a bit more menace as he was still smarting from the pain. "What are you?! A girl?! Calling Fran names and kneeing me in the groin!"
"So you were going to hurt me on the train then!? Why didn't you just do it then? You must be a coward." Francesca said darkly as Nik suddenly launched himself onto Sebastian and pinned him to the ground. It seemed as if Nik was in control of this situation right now so Francesca took opportunity when she saw it. She glared and gave him a hard kick to the face with the boots she was currently wearing. Harsh? Yes. Revenge? Definitely. Revenge was a dangerous game to play when you play it against Francesca.
Sebastian's face was bleeding a little, but he didn't matter. "You were there too, weren't you?" he asked Nik. "You saw what she did to me!"
He pushed Nik up and through his pain, kicked him back against the wall.
"Yes, I was there. Fool!" Nik shouted as he was kicked back against the wall. He gave a satisfied smirk when he watched Fran's foot connect with Sebastian's chin. "But that's not the issue now. What is, is the fact that you" he said, pushing Sebastian back by the shoulder hard, causing him to stagger back into the tables, "threatened Fran!"
"Of course he was there! I was the last one to hex you when it happened idiot! You shouldn't be threatening those that are smarter than you. That's the real issue here." Francesca said as she picked him up off of the ground and pinned him up against the nearest wall. This was between her and Sebastian. Nik got himself into it but this was really her own battle to fight. She glared and threw him back onto the ground to kick again. She kicked him in the shoulder this time since his head was already bleeding. Those boots really brought some damage.
The last kicked knocked Sebastian out cold. He lie there on the ground of the Leaky Cauldron, bleeding and the only two people paying attention were those who inflicted it upon him.
Quote: Nik snorted "What a wimp." He reached for a pitcher of cold butterbeer on the table near him and poured it over Sebastian's head. When the guy was revived slightly from his stupor, Nik sneered at him "Don't start a fight if you can't finish it, fool." With that, he grabbed Franchesca's hand and pulled her out of the dark pub, leaving Sebastian spluttering on the floor drenched in butterbeer. * * * Andrei looked up at the commotion and let out a swift curse. He looked to the Professor and said tersely, "Andi. You wanted to see me work on my parenting skills, well, you are in luck as I am about to do just that." he said, striding out of the pub after his rogue son and his friend. Quote: Francesca smirked as Sebastian was suddenly knocked out cold. He deserved it and now it was a real war. Francesca knew her and Nikolai would be in for it on the train so they'd have to be as 'cautious' as possible. Unfortunately they were in for it right now as she glanced seeing Nik's father coming out after them. That was just great. A witness was all she needed right now. She held onto Nik's hand and started running with him down the street though all the people.
"Your dad is coming for us Nik. I saw him leave." Quote: Nik cursed and tugged on Fran's hand. "We need to hide! The Count will KILL me for this!" He said, but there was laughter in his eyes as he led her around the crowd on the busy street. He ducked behind a discarded signboard in front of a shop and pulled Franchesca up against him to hide them both. "Shhh.." he whispered as he caught his breath. * * * "Insolent. Foolish. Idiot." Andrei was muttering to himself as he strode through the crowd. His eyes scanned everyone and he cursed and kicked a bucket of apples over when he realized that he had lost track of that little hellion and his partner from hell. He fingered his wand and considered using a spell to pull the boy out of his hiding place but thought against it. No doubt, Andi would find fault in it- Wait a second. Wait, just one bloody second. What did it matter to him if Andi found fault in anything he did? Frustrated, he ran a ran through his hair, and went on through the street looking for that fool he called his son. Hookay there's a brawl for you in the Leaky Cauldron. I had to put the last post because of what Nik's daddeh said. *bows*
Yes I like to cause trouble in the RP. 
__________________ was this life a gift or a burden? |