Lowsee ☆ The Joker ☆ Fantastic Baby! ☆ HufflyPuffly bwaha ish here!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voldie Learns how to Cook!!
Cook: arlight Voldemort you have signed into the cooking classes so let us start...
Voldie: darling don't call me Voldemort it's not...sweet! call me Voldeta..
Cook: *shock* umm...okay
Voldeta: okay lets start *clap and rubs hands*
Cook: okay first we should learn how to make...a sandwich
Voldeta: ooooooooh goodie I always wondered how do they make those beautiful things!!
Cook: okay first we take a piece of bread *shows bread*
Voldeta: *excited and ish jumping*
Cook: then we bring another piece bread
Voldeta: wow!!
Cook: *looks at Voldeta like a freak*
Voldeta: what I am just suprised!
Cook:...okay.....then we put anything you like on the bread we shall start with peanut butter..
Voldeta: okay you mean we will bring nut pea's who are buttery got it!!
Cook: no no no it's a gewy thing that is delicous
Voldeta: oooooooooh why do they call it peanut butter then??
Cook: I don't know?
Voldeta: how could u not know!! how could u call ur self a cook when u don't know why they called peanut buter peanut butter!!
Cook:....I quit!!!
Voldeta: but I haven't finished my sandwich
Cook: *looks at sandwich which looks like a volcano!! the bread is covered in peanut butter and he couldn't see the bread* where is the bread?
Voldeta: some where here!! *points*
Cook: your hopless
Voldeta: don't make me mad!!
Cook: oh yeah why not??
Voldeta: avada kedavra!!
Cook: *dead*
Voldeta : I knew I should have done fashion...........
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