Thread: Forever...
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Old 07-06-2006, 12:48 PM   #601 (permalink)
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Location: gosh do you really need to know such information,ok.ill tell you, but dont tell anyone i live on....
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sheeva stared out the window and then turned to danille. "yeah that sounds fine, i'll bring nira some food. you look like you need rest." while they where walking up the stairs sheeva droped the tray at her feet and then the next thing she knew she was on the stairs, letting her tears spill onto the front of her robes. "daniell, i dont know what to do, briam is gone, i dont know where. im so scared. when he gets a thought in his head..." sheeva trailed off. and then she stood up, and magiced everything back onto the tray. "im sorry, im so emotional," she gave a false laugh. "i'm just so concerned."
as they passed the rooms, they saw many familiar faces from school, and older ones that where heros amoung the society. fred and george, where standing at the bathroom door, trying to put a spell on it. "the house fights back guys!!" sheeva yelled before going into nira's room. she sat they trey down in front of nira. "hello, nira. thor..." but she was inturupted by a big bang and fred and george sailing past the bedroom door. sheeva laughed and turned back to everyone, " i cant stay long, im going to go visit lupin, but thorn since you know your kind of in charge of security, i guess, do you think we need some people gaurding the house, and taking turns, we have well over fifty people hear now, i think we could place some outside? well think on it." she turned back to danielle. "are you ready?"

minera was relieved when voldemort released his spell. she was about to say something but carolynn elbowed her in the ribs.and then she looked down.
"very well, lets go to the dining hall. i would like you to discuss this with A.J and the bloodvains."
all i see in green, greenday junkie, yep thats me.
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